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W.I.L.D. Mission - Connecting communities with nature 

W.I.L.D. runs Forest School, and community projects for children and adults of all ages in urban city woodland. Providing opportunities to explore and experience the natural world through practical activities, play, games and lots of fun!


Welcome to W.I.L.D. CIC

Woodland Inspired Learning & Development is a community interest company that has been created out of our love of nature and the desire to share this passion with local communities. W.I.L.D. is based in and around Linn Park Local Nature Reserve, Glasgow.  Read More...

Care Inspectorate Report July 2023

W.I.L.D. received an unannounced inspection in July during which two inspectors enjoyed spending time talking to children and staff whilst observing play in the woods. The full report can be accessed here.

What's it Like at an Outdoor Setting?

We recently had a visit from Patrick Morrison, Practice and Training Officer with the Scottish Out of School Care Network (SOSCN). Patrick came along to learn all about W.I.L.D. and documented our great practice in an interview with W.I.L.D which can be read in the December SOSCN Newsletter here.

SOSCN have made the film below about our OSC Service. Watch to find out what our children and parents think about being at W.I.L.D. 

"Every single person is calm, kind, knowledgeable, approachable and guides the children in a nurturing manner, never judging or undermining."


 Parent Comment W.I.L.D. Care Inspection Report

W.I.L.D. is recognised for good Forest School practice

W.I.L.D. is celebrating its success at becoming a Recognised Forest School Provider by offering children an opportunity to experience ‘good practice’ Forest School.

Recognised Provider Badge.pptx.png

"Becoming a FSA recognised provider has been an aspiration from the very conception of W.I.L.D. We use the six principles to guide our practice and direction, creating a stable and safe environment for everyone who joins us.

We are beyond delighted with this achievement and want to thank everyone we work with, staff, parents, volunteers, Glasgow City Council, Friends of Linn Park and most of all the children, let the wonder and curiosity never stop. ”

Linda Brown and Gill Sisson, Co-Founders, W.I.L.D.’’

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